Flowers to Fight the Quarantine Blues

We’re coming to the end of week 6 of quarantine here in Maryland and, like elsewhere, so much about our daily life has changed. One of the biggest changes for me (and many others) is the way we shop. My philosophy has essentially been “stay out of the way.” So I’ve been getting groceries delivered,…

The Grocery Store Floral Dept. that Gives Me All the Feels

I’ve been to Seattle twice and both times, I’ve had the chance to visit the Pike’s Place Market. There is an absolutely stunning array of flowers there – beautiful, fresh bouquets made of any type of flower you can imagine and starting at $5, they are super affordable. I’ve often wished that I had a…

Our Gray IKEA Kitchen Reno

I titled this post simply because I think a lot of people are looking for examples of IKEA kitchen remodels. At least that’s what I was looking for when I was doing this project, but I couldn’t find too many examples. So I’m adding one to the ether 🙂 Our remodel is about one year old. The…